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Five Frugal Tips for Living Green

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Eco-friendly house With gas prices hovering at $4 per gallon, there’s plenty of reason to justify an uptick in frugality. After all, environmental concerns usually lessen when you’re also eyeing a dwindling bank account.

For those of you trying to save a few bucks, consider these green tips, which not only conserve our planetary resources, but our financial resources too! In fact, by following the below suggestions, you could save nearly $250 per month.

Turn to Tap
The average 24-case of bottled water costs roughly $6 and requires 72 fl. Oz of crude oil to manufacture. If you’re guzzling the FDA suggested 64 oz per day, you could pocket up to $365 a year by turning to tap water. 

Seal Up Cracks
While it’s sometimes hard to tell, air seeps into and out of your house through every window and door that’s not adequately sealed. That means you could be losing hard cash when hot summer air leaks into your AC-cooled home. By purchasing a sealing kit for the winter months, when windows are typically shut, or investing in energy-efficient windows and sliding doors, you could save yourself $20-$50 a month.

Bring a Bag
Lessen your wastefulness by carrying a few rolled-up, reusable bags in your car for quick shopping trips. Be sure to ask about retailer discounts when you’re checking out – many stores offer a small discount for every reusable bag you use.

New to You
Don’t count out that garage sale down the street – or the local thrift shop – the next time you need to pick something up for your house or self. Make space in your home for gently-used items that are “new to you” by donating your old stuff. You could save $25 a month by choosing a less-than-new purchase.

Share a Ride
You can read a book or finish up some last-minute work while commuting to your workplace via mass transit. On top of the emissions savings, you’ll be saving yourself from the costs of a vehicle, potential repairs, fuel and auto insurance. 

For more earth-friendly tips, visit Earth Tones.

(Source: Illinois CPA)


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