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Traffic Tips and Tools to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

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Traffic Frugality is in. Everyone wants to save a few bucks here and there, and guess what? You can reduce your carbon footprint along the way.

In order to survive many of us have no other choice but to commute a long distance back and forth to work, which means spending a lot on gas and emitting a lot of carbon. If you are unable to carpool or take public transportation, here are a few gas-saving measures that will help you conserve fuel and reduce your footprint.

1. Check tire pressure. Under-inflated tires reduce gas mileage by 3 percent.

2. No more junk in the trunk! Removing 100 lbs of unneeded weight improves mileage by 2 percent.

3. Avoid sitting in traffic. Some newer model navigation systems provide real-time traffic for the latest and most comprehensive traffic information available.

5. Slow down. Where’s the fire? You will be surprised at the gas mileage you can get when driving at or below the speed limit.

6. Take the highway instead. The U.S. EPA reports the difference between highway and city gas mileage is about 30 percent.

(Source: Traffic.com)


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