Cook Your Way to Green Goodnewss
By Liz Kaadou
Creative and eco-conscious cooks around the world bring your water to a bubbling boil and prepare for an exciting and environmental lesson in “green” cuisine! While lettuce, broccoli and cucumbers technically fit the greens category of cooking, we are talking about engaging in food preparation methods that are consciously conducive to promoting eco-awareness. Follow these quick and tasty tips to transform your kitchen into an appetizing eco-oasis.
1) Opt for local produce from farmers markets. They are a great alternative to the standard supermarket and can be a superb source of local, organically grown products. By satisfying your shopping needs at these niche markets, you are helping to promote a healthy and happy environment because their products do not need to be shipped, which reduces gas usage. In addition, you are supporting the local economy!
2) Start your own organic garden! Purchase seeds and some soil and you are on your way to having healthy produce in your own backyard.
3) Make the microwave your friend! These energy-efficient cooking machines are great options to avoid using your stove. Although you may not be able to create gourmet meals in the microwave, it is great for quick and easy cooking!
4) Keep your refrigerator door closed. How many times have you been quickly trying to prepare dinner and you leave the fridge open so you can keep grabbing ingredients? Instead, make a list before you begin your cooking adventure so that you only open the fridge once and check off the items as you go.
5) Reduce cooking time! Why keep food on the stove longer than it has to be. Once you bring vegetables to a boil for instance, you can turn off or lower the stove temperature and just let the veggies cook in the already scorchingly hot water.
6) Utilize eco-friendly cookware and kitchen utensils, like Cusinart's Greenware cooking collection, Click Here to buy.
7) Cut your food into smaller pieces, this reduces cooking time and of course requires less energy.
For more eco-friendly cooking advice, visit RTM's Earth Tones section.
Another big tip-- plan meals in advance to reduce the chance of ending up with food waste. Food waste has surprisingly large impacts on the environment.
Posted by: Kirsten @ Nexyoo | 11/19/2009 at 01:50 PM