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Student Inventors to Unveil Eco-Driven EcoCAR Designs

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EcoCar competition Sustainable mobility is here to stay. And to inspire and support the next great generation of scientist and engineers to unite in the quest for eco-friendly transportation, the U.S. Department of Energy and General Motors have established a three-year collegiate advanced vehicle technology engineering competition.

In the competition, called EcoCar, students devise cutting-edge plans then design and build advanced propulsion systems that could define the next generation of ‘green’ vehicle technologies.

Seventeen teams, selected from universities across North America, were challenged to engineer advanced vehicle solutions to increase fuel economy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

These green designs were unveiled February 3, 2009 at the Washington Auto Show, in Washington D.C. However, keep in mind that the program goes on for two more years so check out how to get in. (Source: General Motors)


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