Gardening Tips for the Consciously Green
Summer is here so step outside and exercise that green thumb that’s been hibernating for all too long. If you're looking to make your garden extra green, here are some ideas that kick off your green garden revolution.
First and foremost, cut out the pesticides and harmful chemicals. Rely on Mother Nature to do her job. Also, try composting. If you don’t have enough room for a large compost bin, a wormer is a good option. Not only will it give you rich, organic soil the worms will speed up the composting process.
Gardens need a lot of attention and water, so instead of using the garden hose and racking up a water bill, collecting rain water is a resourceful way to keep your garden vibrant and green.
Buy flowers that will flower as late into the fall as possible. This will allow more beneficial bugs and bees to have plenty of time to pollinate.
(Source: Associated Content)
This is one good article. Planting trees and flowers could really help save our nature and environment. Also, it will provide us with cleaner and fresher air to breathe.
Posted by: Jenney | 04/16/2009 at 07:50 PM