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Top Ten Best Walking Cities

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Best-Walking-Cities Walking is one of the nation's favorite ways to exercise. A study conducted by the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) shows now more than ever, people living in cities are stepping up their walking regimes. That's good news! On average, every minute of walking can extend your life by about two minutes and the more people walk instead of taking automotive transportation they are reducing emissions.

Here are the top ten Best Walking Cities:

1. Arlington, VA: On the cusp of the nation's capital, it may come as no surprise that 23 percent of the city's workers use public transportation to get around. Keeping on their feet may be a way of life, since 35 percent of Arlingtonians walk for exercise.

2. San Francisco, CA: Getting to work by foot is not uncommon for this city by the bay, with nine percent of residents walking and two percent biking. This walking-conducive city touts that 32 percent of its residents walk for exercise and 35 percent buy athletic shoes.

3. Seattle, WA: It's not too far-fetched to expect a healthy lifestyle from residents living in Seattle. A whopping 35 percent walk for exercise and 36 percent buy some type of athletic shoes.

4. Portland, OR: Residents of this Northwestern city spend a good deal of time on their feet walking their dogs. Close to 22 percent are dog owners.

Click here to view the rest of the top walking cities.


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