World-Changing Celebrity Spotlight: Gisele Bundchen
The face of some of the world's most exclusive products has now become the new face of global environmental action. On September 20, 2009, Brazil-born Gisele Bündchen, one of the most recognized top (and long-lasting) supermodels of all time, was designated Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) at new York's Washington Square Park Fountain.
As Goodwill Ambassador, Gisele Bündchen will help UNEP in its mission to raise awareness and inspire action to protect the environment. The new Goodwill Ambassador will help focus attention on some of the biggest threats facing the planet, climate change and environmental degradation.
Gisele Bündchen, a true environmentalist in her own right, said: "I'm really honored to join UNEP's work on the environment. The environment has always been my passion. I grew up in a small town and I had the opportunity to live surrounded by nature. I couldn't have asked for a better childhood. We must act now, so future generations have the same opportunity. Mother Earth is our fundamental life-support system, and by becoming aware and responsible now, we can assist in preserving the planet."
She added: "I have been working on environmental issues for a long time and agreed to become a Goodwill Ambassador to be part of a global and far-reaching organization. Now it's about action on a global scale to secure a healthy future for the next generation, wherever they live in the world." On climate change, Gisele noted, "Climate change is something we can't deny? It affects all of us. At the end of the day, it's our planet? we all have to feel accountable."
The mother-to-be is due in December, so she’ll be making the world a better place for her new baby.
(Source: UNEP)
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