Inaugural Earth, Wind & Power Winners Announced
Volkswagen Jetta TDI Wins Earth, Wind & Power Car of the Year
The mission of the Earth, Wind & Power (EWP) Awards is to recognize vehicles driven by a power source that help reduce global warming, is conducive to promoting a cleaner environment and support the mission to achieve energy independence through alternative sources. The inaugural EWP Awards honored the Most Environmentally-Friendly Car and Truck of the Year.
Ford Escape Hybrid Wins Earth, Wind & Power Truck of the Year “With global warming and foreign oil dependence a mainstream concern today, more people are turning to fuel-efficient or alternative fuel vehicles,” said Courtney Caldwell, ICOTY creator and producer. “It’s become of vital interest to consumers, automakers, and the future of our planet to produce vehicles that are compatible with our environment.”
Visit EWP Winners’ Page for more information on these eco-friendly vehicles.